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ed. Galina Rymbu, Eugene Ostashevsky, Ainsley Morse

F Letter: New Russian Feminist Poetry

F Letter: New Russian Feminist Poetry

Isolarii 2

Regular price $21.00 USD
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Translated by Eugene Ostashevsky, Ainsley Morse, Alex Karsavin, Helena Kernan, Kit Eginton, Valzhyna Mort, Kevin F. Platt
256 pp


This palm-sized series gathers short writing from renowned authors, grand in ambition despite their miniature proportions. A wide-ranged collection of poems by a dozen Russian writers challenging misogynistic orthodoxy and political power.

F Letter: New Russian Feminist Poetry assembles the feminist poets who have palpably changed the Russian language over the last decade. Against the backdrop of state violence and oppression, this is electric dissent in pursuit of a democratic, egalitarian future.


The humanism of the past five hundred years is dead. Believing man was exceptional, it opened the abyss of extinction. A new approach requires the effort of all those who tear down convention in order to preserve what is meaningful—not just environments, but irrationality, autonomy, and joy. isolarii take their name from the extinct genre of Venetian Renaissance 'island books.' Month to month, they map the extremes of human knowledge and creative endeavour, assembling the perennial legends and emerging icons—scientists and novelists, philosophers and activists, architects and technologists, from the counterculture to the avant-garde—pioneering new ways of understanding ourselves and the Earth.

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